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Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz (c) Ferdinand

Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz


Born in Vienna, 1989 graduation as Mag. Phil. (Musicology, romance studies, political science). 1989-1992 general secretary of the Friends of the Vienna State Opera, 1993-96 press chief of the Vienna State and Volksoper, 1996-2001 chief dramaturge, 2001-03 guest dramaturge of the Vienna State Opera, here introductory matinees in the successor of Marcel Prawy. Wagner-Trenkwitz will take over the artistic direction of the Langenlois Castle Festival in autumn 2019.


Since 2003 member of the management of the Volksoper Vienna, since 2009 its chief dramaturge. Moderator on national and international stages (including opening of the Wiener Festwochen on the Vienna Rathausplatz, matinees at the Gärtnerplatz-Theater in Munich, at the Salzburg Easter Festival and concert moderation at the festival in Grafenegg), on the radio (including Pasticcio, Anklang and since 2009 Live Broadcast of the Vienna New Year's Concert) and on television (since 2001 Vienna Opera Ball). 2013-2016 director of the Hague Theater Summer.


Numerous books, most recently “The orchestra that never sleeps. The Vienna Philharmonic "(2017).


Performances as actors 2017-2019 / 2020 (selection): Pelikan ("The Circus Princess") at the Graz Opera, Njegus ("The Merry Widow") at the Langenlois Castle Festival, Kaunitz ("The Empress") and Dragotin ("Gypsy Love" ) at the Baden stage, the title role in "The Magician of Oz" at the Stadttheater Klagenfurt as well as annual participation in the cabaret program in the "Hell" at the Theater an der Wien (2019 "The Burning Divan"). From March 2020 Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz as a frog ("Die Fledermaus") on the stage of the Bonn Theater.

Photo: Peter Strobl

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Peter Lund

Production and stage design

The director and author, born in Flensburg, pursued his studies in architecture at the Technical University of Berlin. During his academic years, he collaborated with John Dew, Günter Krämer, and Richard Jones.


In 1985, he established the group Comp & Co. Subsequently, since 1987, he has directed various productions, including COSÌ FAN TUTTE at the Staatstheater Braunschweig, THE BUG at the Maxim-Gorki Theater, ORPHEUS IN THE UNDERWORLD at the Theater Bremen, THE DOLLAR PRINCESS in Erfurt, THE FLOWER OF HAWAII at the Neukölln Opera, JONNY PLAYING ON at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz Munich, and THE THREEGROUND OPERA at the Dresden State Theater.


In the summer of 2010, Peter Lund marked his debut with ZAREWITSCH at the Mörbisch Seefestspiele. In 2012, he directed ORPHEUS AND EURIDICE in Regensburg, and in 2017, he presented THE CIRCUS PRINCESS at the Graz Opera House. Since 2013, he has curated several successful productions at the Vienna Volksoper, including FRAU LUNA, AXEL AT THE HEAVEN'S STÜR, THE CSÁRDÁFÜRSTIN, and THE GYPSY BARON.


From 1996 to 2004, Peter Lund served as a management member of the Neuköllner Opera in Berlin. Additionally, from 2002 to 2022, he held the position of professor in the musical/show program at the Berlin University of the Arts. As an author, Peter Lund has penned satirical adaptations of fairy tales and children's books, such as CINDERELLA, WHAT WON'T FIT, THE STREET CAT IN BOOTS, MAJA AND CO, and GRIMM. His plays have graced numerous German stages, with the children's play HEXE HILLARY GOES TO THE OPERA premiering at the Neukölln Opera and standing out as one of Lund's most successful works.



Foto: R. Zölnner

Pete Lund
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Roland Tscherne

Chief producer

Growing up in a family deeply connected to the theater and operetta, Roland Tscherne was exposed to the world of performing arts from an early age. In his youth, he had the invaluable opportunity to glean insights from renowned theater luminaries like Giorgio Strehler, Claus Peymann, Achim Benning, and others at the Burg- und Akademietheater, learning the art of captivating and entertaining audiences.


Subsequently, at the Volkstheater, he further honed his expertise under the guidance of Emmy Werner and Michael Schottenberg. In 2010, Roland Tscherne received a commission from the Vienna Boys' Choir to conceptualize, construct, and manage the "MuTh" in Augarten. Since then, he has operated independently in the industry, overseeing the synchronized stages of institutions such as the Vienna Symphonic Library, the Spanish Riding School, and the Carinthian Summer as a technical director for several years.


The summer months, marked by various festivals, have consistently been a source of inspiration for Roland Tscherne. From Kobersdorf and Perchtoldsdorf to Gutenstein, which led to a guest performance in a musical in Cairo and Alexandria, his journey eventually brought him to Langenlois, where he has participated multiple times.

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Lorenz C. Aichner


The Salzburg native received piano lessons at the Mozarteum University Salzburg during his school days and performed concerts both domestically and internationally as a student. In 1997, he commenced his studies in conducting, choir conducting, composition, and accompaniment at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.


Completing his studies with exceptional success in 2003, the conductor's final year saw him assume the role of assistant to the general music director at the Erfurt Theater. From the 2004/05 season onwards, he served as the bandmaster. During the 2007/08 season, Aichner assumed the position of deputy choir director at the Hamburgische State Opera. In this capacity, he conducted rehearsals for productions such as Strauss' DAPHNE, Britten's DEATH IN VENICE, and Verdi's MACBETH. Between 2008 and 2012, he held the positions of the first bandmaster and deputy music director at the Theater Hof a. d. Saale.


Making his debut at the Vienna Volksoper in 2012, Aichner has since taken the musical helm for numerous opera, operetta, ballet, and musical productions, including several premieres and revivals.


Aichner collaborated with various orchestras, including those of the Vienna Volksoper, the Tonkunstlerorchester Niederösterreich, the RSO Vienna, the orchestra of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, the Hofer Symphoniker, and the Erfurt Philharmonic Orchestra.


His international accolades led to guest appearances in South Korea and Japan. Aichner's extensive repertoire encompasses works such as THE MAGIC FLUTE, LA WALLY, PRINCE IGOR, LA BOHÈME, IL TABARRO, GIANNI SCHICCHI, IL TROVATORE, RIGOLETTO, THE MERRY WIDOW, THE GYPSY BARON, KISS ME KATE, GYPSY, GUYS AND DOLLS, SWEET CHARITY, MY FAIR LADY, as well as the ballets COPPÉLIA and CENDRILLON.



Foto: Andy Graf

Lorenz Aichner
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Univ.-Doz. Mag. Laszlo Gyüker


The Salzburg native received piano lessons at the Mozarteum University Salzburg during his school days and performed concerts both domestically and internationally as a student. In 1997, he commenced his studies in conducting, choir conducting, composition, and accompaniment at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.


Completing his studies with exceptional success in 2003, the conductor's final year saw him assume the role of assistant to the general music director at the Erfurt Theater. From the 2004/05 season onwards, he served as the bandmaster. During the 2007/08 season, Aichner assumed the position of deputy choir director at the Hamburgische State Opera. In this capacity, he conducted rehearsals for productions such as Strauss' DAPHNE, Britten's DEATH IN VENICE, and Verdi's MACBETH. Between 2008 and 2012, he held the positions of the first bandmaster and deputy music director at the Theater Hof a. d. Saale.


Making his debut at the Vienna Volksoper in 2012, Aichner has since taken the musical helm for numerous opera, operetta, ballet, and musical productions, including several premieres and revivals.


Aichner collaborated with various orchestras, including those of the Vienna Volksoper, the Tonkunstlerorchester Niederösterreich, the RSO Vienna, the orchestra of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, the Hofer Symphoniker, and the Erfurt Philharmonic Orchestra.


His international accolades led to guest appearances in South Korea and Japan. Aichner's extensive repertoire encompasses works such as THE MAGIC FLUTE, LA WALLY, PRINCE IGOR, LA BOHÈME, IL TABARRO, GIANNI SCHICCHI, IL TROVATORE, RIGOLETTO, THE MERRY WIDOW, THE GYPSY BARON, KISS ME KATE, GYPSY, GUYS AND DOLLS, SWEET CHARITY, MY FAIR LADY, as well as the ballets COPPÉLIA and CENDRILLON.



Foto: Andy Graf

Laszlo Gyüker
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Daria Kornysheva


The Salzburg native received piano lessons at the Mozarteum University Salzburg during his school days and performed concerts both domestically and internationally as a student. In 1997, he commenced his studies in conducting, choir conducting, composition, and accompaniment at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.


Completing his studies with exceptional success in 2003, the conductor's final year saw him assume the role of assistant to the general music director at the Erfurt Theater. From the 2004/05 season onwards, he served as the bandmaster. During the 2007/08 season, Aichner assumed the position of deputy choir director at the Hamburgische State Opera. In this capacity, he conducted rehearsals for productions such as Strauss' DAPHNE, Britten's DEATH IN VENICE, and Verdi's MACBETH. Between 2008 and 2012, he held the positions of the first bandmaster and deputy music director at the Theater Hof a. d. Saale.


Making his debut at the Vienna Volksoper in 2012, Aichner has since taken the musical helm for numerous opera, operetta, ballet, and musical productions, including several premieres and revivals.


Aichner collaborated with various orchestras, including those of the Vienna Volksoper, the Tonkunstlerorchester Niederösterreich, the RSO Vienna, the orchestra of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, the Hofer Symphoniker, and the Erfurt Philharmonic Orchestra.


His international accolades led to guest appearances in South Korea and Japan. Aichner's extensive repertoire encompasses works such as THE MAGIC FLUTE, LA WALLY, PRINCE IGOR, LA BOHÈME, IL TABARRO, GIANNI SCHICCHI, IL TROVATORE, RIGOLETTO, THE MERRY WIDOW, THE GYPSY BARON, KISS ME KATE, GYPSY, GUYS AND DOLLS, SWEET CHARITY, MY FAIR LADY, as well as the ballets COPPÉLIA and CENDRILLON.



Foto: Andy Graf

Daria K.
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Irene Tscherne


The Salzburg native received piano lessons at the Mozarteum University Salzburg during his school days and performed concerts both domestically and internationally as a student. In 1997, he commenced his studies in conducting, choir conducting, composition, and accompaniment at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.


Completing his studies with exceptional success in 2003, the conductor's final year saw him assume the role of assistant to the general music director at the Erfurt Theater. From the 2004/05 season onwards, he served as the bandmaster. During the 2007/08 season, Aichner assumed the position of deputy choir director at the Hamburgische State Opera. In this capacity, he conducted rehearsals for productions such as Strauss' DAPHNE, Britten's DEATH IN VENICE, and Verdi's MACBETH. Between 2008 and 2012, he held the positions of the first bandmaster and deputy music director at the Theater Hof a. d. Saale.


Making his debut at the Vienna Volksoper in 2012, Aichner has since taken the musical helm for numerous opera, operetta, ballet, and musical productions, including several premieres and revivals.


Aichner collaborated with various orchestras, including those of the Vienna Volksoper, the Tonkunstlerorchester Niederösterreich, the RSO Vienna, the orchestra of the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, the Hofer Symphoniker, and the Erfurt Philharmonic Orchestra.


His international accolades led to guest appearances in South Korea and Japan. Aichner's extensive repertoire encompasses works such as THE MAGIC FLUTE, LA WALLY, PRINCE IGOR, LA BOHÈME, IL TABARRO, GIANNI SCHICCHI, IL TROVATORE, RIGOLETTO, THE MERRY WIDOW, THE GYPSY BARON, KISS ME KATE, GYPSY, GUYS AND DOLLS, SWEET CHARITY, MY FAIR LADY, as well as the ballets COPPÉLIA and CENDRILLON.



Foto: Andy Graf

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Christoph Rosenberg

Lighting Design

Even in his early years, a profound interest in technology, particularly in lighting technology, marked Christoph Rosenberg's journey into the technological realm. His exploration of this field commenced with training at HTL Wiener Neustadt in the electrical engineering department, coupled with a two-year lighting technical program. It was during this period that Christoph Rosenberg ventured into self-employment, initiating and implementing his own projects. These early experiences laid the groundwork for his enduring passion for inventive technological solutions and design.


Upon successful completion of his studies at HTL, Rosenberg furthered his education at the Vienna University of Technology, majoring in electrical engineering. Concurrently, he actively contributed to the lighting team at the Vienna State Opera and various other locations.


Post-graduation, he made the decision to delve into teaching in the field of lighting technology while concurrently engaging in self-employment and undertaking a role in production development. Rosenberg joined the esteemed company ZACTRACK, where his expertise and knowledge played a pivotal role in the development of innovative products. His contributions to technological advancement and product innovation significantly contributed to solidifying ZACTRACK's position as an industry leader.


The diverse array of responsibilities led Christoph Rosenberg to international destinations, including the Opera House in Sydney and the prominent show stages in Las Vegas.

Christop Rosenberg
Gruss und Kuss
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Alexander Maria Lehner

Sound mixer

fter completing training as an electrician and practicing in that field for a decade, he transitioned his professional focus to his passion for music and sound engineering in 1998.


Since 2010, Alexander Maria Lehner has been operating as an independent sound engineer, using the moniker "Frequenzklinik." Under this pseudonym, he has successfully managed numerous events, including the Capital Festival in St. Pölten, the City Festival in Schwechat, and the Schattenwelt Festival at the Multiversum Schwechat, along with various corporate events.


From 2017 to 2021, he held the role of sound engineer for the Carinthian Summer, and in 2022, he took charge of sound production at the Grafenegger Festival for both the prelude and introduction events.

Fr. Eröd
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Pia Erd

Sound mixer

fter completing training as an electrician and practicing in that field for a decade, he transitioned his professional focus to his passion for music and sound engineering in 1998.


Since 2010, Alexander Maria Lehner has been operating as an independent sound engineer, using the moniker "Frequenzklinik." Under this pseudonym, he has successfully managed numerous events, including the Capital Festival in St. Pölten, the City Festival in Schwechat, and the Schattenwelt Festival at the Multiversum Schwechat, along with various corporate events.


From 2017 to 2021, he held the role of sound engineer for the Carinthian Summer, and in 2022, he took charge of sound production at the Grafenegger Festival for both the prelude and introduction events.

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Hanna Stejskal

Sound mixer

fter completing training as an electrician and practicing in that field for a decade, he transitioned his professional focus to his passion for music and sound engineering in 1998.


Since 2010, Alexander Maria Lehner has been operating as an independent sound engineer, using the moniker "Frequenzklinik." Under this pseudonym, he has successfully managed numerous events, including the Capital Festival in St. Pölten, the City Festival in Schwechat, and the Schattenwelt Festival at the Multiversum Schwechat, along with various corporate events.


From 2017 to 2021, he held the role of sound engineer for the Carinthian Summer, and in 2022, he took charge of sound production at the Grafenegger Festival for both the prelude and introduction events.

Rene Schmid
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Rene Schmid

Sound mixer

fter completing training as an electrician and practicing in that field for a decade, he transitioned his professional focus to his passion for music and sound engineering in 1998.


Since 2010, Alexander Maria Lehner has been operating as an independent sound engineer, using the moniker "Frequenzklinik." Under this pseudonym, he has successfully managed numerous events, including the Capital Festival in St. Pölten, the City Festival in Schwechat, and the Schattenwelt Festival at the Multiversum Schwechat, along with various corporate events.


From 2017 to 2021, he held the role of sound engineer for the Carinthian Summer, and in 2022, he took charge of sound production at the Grafenegger Festival for both the prelude and introduction events.

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